California Olive

California Olive

Regular price $5.95 Sale

Our 100% natural bar soap gently cleans your sensitive skin. You'll love the feel of our non-drying, moisturizing bar soap.

Quick view

  • Nourishes & hydrates the skin
  • Combats the appearance of aging
  • Contributes to smoother, more elastic skin.

Gently Cleanses and Moisturizes Skin

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Coconut Oil,
  • Castor Oil,
  • Cocoa Butter,
  • Mango Butter,
  • No Fragrance Added

California Olive Sensitive Skin moisturizing soap is 100% natural and contains pure Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Olive oil is a superior moisturizer that replenishes skin oils and promotes healthy skin. California Olive Sensitive Skin moisturizing soap is made without chemical preservatives or animal testing.

It's hard to find a moisturizing, natural hand soap. Anderson Hill offers a range of moisturizing hand soaps.

Our Olive Oil soap cleans your skin without stripping away the natural oils -- so you don't end up dry and flaky after its use. Olive oil also allows the skin to sweat and shed cells naturally; commercial soaps that contain synthetic cleaners and fragrances can block your pores and cause irritation. The nutrients of our soap are in a form that can be most easily and effectively used by the skin to:

  • Sooth and moisturize skin
  • Nourish and hydrate the skin
  • Combat the appearance of aging

California Olive Sensitive Skin moisturizing soap is gentle, safe, mild, no fragrance added, and great for all skin types, suitable for men, women, children, babies, and those with sensitive or mature skin. Moisturize, nurture and soothe delicate skin all day long.


Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter

Your skin is going to love you for it.

So lather up!

Made in the USA.

Health Facts: Aluminum-free, dye-free, paraben-free, sodium lauryl sulfate-free, Sulfate-free, vegan, phthalate-free, fluoride-free, animal by-product-free, formaldehyde donor-free, formaldehyde-free, contains naturally derived ingredients.
Uses: California Everyday Bar Soap can be used for hands, body, and bath.
Suggested Age: All Ages
Recommended Skin Type: All (may not be suitable for extra oily skin)
Beauty Purpose: hydrating, conditioning and soothes the skin